Communicating goals and priorities

In this Monday episode, Mattias talks about the results of last week's "self-inventory". The inventory consists of three questions, that are connected to the core values at iGoMoon.

Everyone answers questions:

  1. Be brave - what am I not proud of/what could I have done better?
  2. Stay crisp - what did I learn this week?
  3. Have fun - what have I been celebrating/ how many kudos do I give out?

A good or bad day

When reflecting on the first question, Mattias mentions that some things were going on in the weekly management meeting the Friday before. He realized that there are things that are not communicated clear enough at iGoMoon and that he could have reduced stress for everyone by communicating better, earlier in the process. In some roles e.g. it was not clear when it was a good or a bad day for that individual at iGoMoon. Even though it states in the culture code that everyone is responsible for their own goals and priorities, Mattias understood that it might not be that easy to have a clear understanding of the goals and priorities if he did not communicate the goals properly. Mattias is now working on a solution for this situation and is planning a presentation and documentation of everyone's goals for the upcoming week.

Add forms in Vidyard

Last week Mattias learned how to create and add HubSpot forms to a Vidyard video to convert leads in. He talks about how video is very high intent content when it comes to lead scoring. At iGoMoon Vidyard videos are often used to connect better with the customers during the early stages of the sales process. Mattias personally uses the service on a regular basis to improve internal communication. When it comes to supporting customers or colleagues, he especially likes the option of screen recordings, including drawing on the screen and combining this with video footage of himself talking about a specific topic.

Marble and sales horse

Question three. On the celebration side - Mattias was very impressed by Frank's work the past week, receiving the marble horse and the sales horse.

Mattias emphasizes the importance of clear role descriptions and everyone knowing their goals and priorities. This will make sure, that everyone continues to move in the same direction alongside their colleagues as the company grows.

What is your thoughts? Please let us know.

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