Entrepreneurial career built on curiosity

In today's episode Mattias talks about why his entire entrepreneurship is based on his curiosity and why it is so important to be (and stay!) curious.

Having a curious approach

For Mattias, curiosity is very much connected to having an optimistic approach to life. There are many cynical things going on in the world and having a curious mind helps balance those things. Especially when planning on building a company it is important to be optimistic, creative, and approach life with curiosity.

He also turns to Svea and asks her if she believes that curiosity is important for her as a photographer. She definitely agrees and shares the story of a specific photographic series she has worked on some years ago. After her grandfather died and left her grandmother behind, she experienced how lonely old people can be and got involved in meaningful conversations with her grandmother. These conversations, being held out of curiosity and compassion, inspired her to shed some light on this hushed-up but very important topic. Mattias adds that he believes that it is not possible to be creative if you are not curious.

The result of curiosity

When being asked for an example where Mattias' curiosity led to something really good, he talks about how his company, iGoMoon, was basically a product of his curiosity. He also talks about an experience he had several years ago, when he told a close friend about his idea of building a web agency. That friend responded to him: "But you don't have an agency background.". Despite the lack of knowledge and experience, Mattias' curiosity was bigger and he was eager to take that step and learn along the way. Now he has almost 20 employees and just moved into a new 320 sqm office in the central part of Stockholm. He adds that this is what happens when you are a curious person who is also able to execute.

Staying curious

Svea wants to know how he is preserving his curiosity while being in the game for a while and also becoming older. He talks about how he uses his ears more than his mouth and always makes sure to reflect a lot. An example from his personal life is e.g. that he started playing golf only recently. He says that being brave to try out new things is definitely something that can be very rewarding.

Being curious is essential for a successful leader - but you also need to be able to execute.

What does curiosity mean to you?

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