Efficient work with excellent team dynamics

2021 is almost over and the new year is coming closer and closer. In this episode, Mattias talks about the current mood at the office, which things he wants to complete before the end of 2021, and how he is attempting to make the upcoming vacation time as fair as possible for everyone.

Excellent team dynamics

Mattias starts into the episode by saying that the energy at the office is not slowing down at all before Christmas this year - rather the complete opposite. He even adds that he would go so far and say that the team dynamics at iGoMoon have never been better in the last 10 years. He can really tell that there's a great energy at iGoMoon right now and this definitely helps everyone to push through the last couple of weeks of the year, which under other circumstances could be perceived as pretty stressful. The fact that November 2021 has financially been a very good month, definitely adds to the overall positive mindset as well.

The busiest months of the year

Historically, November and December are usually iGoMoon's busiest months, which is mainly because most companies like to use up their budgets at the end of each year. This results in many old and new customers wanting to work on e.g. their websites and strategies. While most customers want to have their projects finished before the new year, there are also cases in which the work is usually paused and then continued in the following year. How iGoMoon proceeds in the different cases, highly depends on what kind of project they are dealing with.

Splitting projects

When Mattias and his team are splitting projects for their customers, they still try to have a clear structure and finish a specific milestone of the project before they pause it. Such a milestone could e.g. be finishing up the design deliveries for that customer. Like this, continuing the project in the new year will go a lot smoother and the team can start by implementing the designs right away.
Something else to definitely keep in mind when putting (bigger) projects on hold is to not plan an onboarding for the customer right before the vacation. Chances are very high that the customer has forgotten most of the things they learned in that onboarding over a vacation break of several weeks. At iGoMoon, they always try to schedule those workshops rather after the holiday season.

Open jobs at iGoMoon

Something that Mattias wants to take care of before 2022 is to sign off a new UX/UI designer. iGoMoon has been looking for new talents in this field anyways, but with Fanny, the current UI/UX designer leaving at the end of the year, filling this role became more urgent. Some other positions that are still open at the time of recording are also:

- HubSpot developers
- Inbound marketing consultants
- Content and SEO experts

Mattias adds that iGoMoon is planning on expanding its network of freelancers and consultants and is open to working with people who might not look for a full-time position.

Fair vacations

Lastly, Mattias shares how he is trying to make the Christmas break as fair as possible by everyone. Since there is no urgent need for anyone to be at the office over the holiday, he decided to implement a general vacation of two weeks at iGoMoon. He has a similar approach for the summer vacation every year, where the office is closed for four weeks. Having a general (and generous) summer vacation is actually very typical for Sweden and part of the law.

You can see the result in the performance when the team dynamics are good.

How are the team dynamics in your company?

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